Lead Generation

June 7, 2024

From Pumping iron🏋🏼 to pumping costumers🙋‍♂️

From Pumping iron🏋🏼 to pumping costumers🙋‍♂️

What do you get when you take a fitness lead generation business that’s struggling to attract customers, and you hand them over to Born Global Consulting? Well, you get a whole lot more leads and a whole lot fewer headaches. Today, we’re diving into the story of First Choice Fitness, a Danish lead generation business that went from a modest 33 leads per month to a strong 71—all in just a few months.

So, grab your protein shake, and let’s break down how we made it happen (spoiler: it didn’t involve any squats, but we did flex our digital marketing muscles).

The Challenge: A Lead Generation Plateau

Picture this: it’s November 2023, and First Choice Fitness is putting in the work. They’ve got a decent ad spend—10,000 Danish kroner—but the return? Well, let’s just say it wasn’t exactly setting off fireworks. With 33 leads per month, a cost per acquisition (CPA) of 300 kroner, and a click-through rate (CTR) of 1.15%, they were doing just enough to scrape by.

To make matters worse, they needed 20 clients per month just to break even. Their closing rate was hovering around 40-50%, which meant they were barely hitting their targets. They had the ambition, but the strategy? Not so much.

Enter Born Global Consulting.

The Strategy: From “Meh” to “Must-Have”

Our first move was to take a hard look at their offer. You see, First Choice Fitness was only generating leads when they dangled massive discounts in front of potential clients. And while everyone loves a good deal, this was a clear sign that their initial offer wasn’t exactly setting hearts racing.

So, we worked closely with the team to create what we like to call a “no-brainer” offer. The kind of deal that makes potential clients think, Why haven’t I signed up already?

Once we had that nailed down, we turned our attention to the audience. First Choice Fitness had been casting their net too wide, targeting the wrong people with the wrong message. So, we got strategic, developed a compelling offer, and made sure it was aimed squarely at the right audience. It was time to give their lead generation strategy the overhaul it desperately needed.

The Results: Leads Are Up, CPA Is Down, and Everybody’s Happy

By February 2024, just a few months after we took over, things were looking a whole lot different. With the same ad spend of 10,000 kroner, we’d managed to increase the number of leads from 33 to 71. That’s more than double, in case you’re keeping score.

But it wasn’t just the quantity of leads that improved—the cost per acquisition dropped dramatically, from 300 kroner to just 140 kroner. And remember that click-through rate of 1.15%? We bumped that up to a much healthier 2.4%. Suddenly, First Choice Fitness wasn’t just skating by—they were thriving.

And that break-even target of 20 clients? With an improved closing rate of 50–60%, they were comfortably surpassing that by February.

The Tools Behind the Transformation

So, how did we pull it off? Aside from a rock-solid strategy and some serious marketing savvy, we leaned heavily on tracking and analyzing KPIs (key performance indicators, for those of you who aren’t fluent in marketing speak). By keeping a close eye on the data, we were able to identify exactly where things were falling short and make the necessary tweaks to optimize their lead generation efforts.

The Big Challenges We Overcame

Let’s not pretend it was all smooth sailing from day one. First Choice Fitness faced some pretty substantial hurdles:

  1. Ambition, but no strategy: They had big goals but no clear roadmap for getting there.

  2. Lead dependency on discounts: Without slashing prices, their leads dried up faster than a January gym membership.

  3. Targeting the wrong audience: They were talking to the wrong people with a message that wasn’t compelling enough.

We worked closely with them, acting as their digital growth partner, and provided the structured, straightforward approach they needed to turn things around.

A Clear Structure, A Strong Collaboration

In the end, it all came down to maintaining a clear, easy-to-understand structure and focusing on a well-defined strategy. We collaborated closely with the team at First Choice Fitness, ensuring that every step we took was aligned with their business goals. And it paid off—big time.

Could Your Business Be the Next First Choice Fitness?

So, there you have it: First Choice Fitness went from 33 to 71 leads per month, reduced their CPA by more than half, and boosted their click-through rate—all without increasing their ad spend. If you’re running a lead generation business and struggling to get enough leads or attract the right audience, maybe it’s time to bring in the experts.

Feel free to reach out. My email’s below, and if you want to schedule a quick strategy meeting, you can find a link to my calendar, too.

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You're soooo close to unlocking the desired
growth for your company! Just hit the button!

Start your Journey Today

You're soooo close to unlocking the desired
growth for your company! Just hit the button!

Porcelaenshaven 26
Frederiksberg 2000
Copenhagen, Denmark

+45 29 60 16 17
+1 646-718-3903
E-mail: daniel@bornglobalconsulting.com

Porcelaenshaven 26
Frederiksberg 2000
Copenhagen, Denmark

+45 29 60 16 17
+1 646-718-3903

Porcelaenshaven 26
Frederiksberg 2000
Copenhagen, Denmark

+45 29 60 16 17
+1 646-718-3903
E-mail: daniel@bornglobalconsulting.com