Ecommerce Growth

April 30, 2024

From Ecom frustration to cash cow 🐮💸

Discover how Born Global Consulting scaled Logo Møbler, a Danish e-commerce brand, from €5,700 to €52,000 in monthly revenue using data-driven digital marketing strategies. Learn how we overcame challenges, improved ROAS, and achieved long-term growth with a proven marketing framework.

Teal Flower
Teal Flower
Teal Flower

In the world of e-commerce, where "big discount" often equals "we’re not making any money, but hey, look at all these customers," Logo Møbler, a Danish furniture webshop, was drowning in red tape and 40%-off stickers. Enter Born Global Consulting, aka Daniel and Christian, the dynamic duo who like to take floundering webshops and turn them into revenue-generating machines (without slapping a 50% off sign on everything).

Today, we’re diving into how we helped Logo Møbler go from a modest €5,700 to a solid €52,000 in monthly revenue in 2023. Along the way, there will be drama, data, and digital marketing magic. And yes, we’ll even sprinkle in a bit of humor because e-commerce can be fun, believe it or not.

Act I: The January Crisis (Cue the Suspense Music)

Our story begins in the bleak winter of January 2023. Picture it: Logo Møbler needs to make 300,000 Danish kroner just to keep the lights on. But, much to their accountant’s dismay, they’re only managing 230,000 kroner. The ad revenue is a measly 40,000 kroner, the total revenue is barely scraping 50,000 kroner, and their Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)—for those of you who don’t speak marketing—is at 2.58. Which, for context, is like ordering a pizza and getting a single slice. It’s better than nothing, but no one’s happy.

At this point, the business was limping along with one foot on the proverbial banana peel of bankruptcy.

Act II: Enter the Nerds (aka Us)

Cue the hero music! Daniel and Christian, co-founders of Born Global Consulting, swoop in from their digital marketing fortress in Copenhagen. Their mission: to turn Logo Møbler’s tragic numbers into something that doesn’t make everyone cry at quarterly reviews.

We diagnosed the problem immediately—Logo Møbler was using massive discounts to generate sales. It's like trying to make money by giving things away for free. Sure, it works for a while, but long-term? Not so much. They needed a sustainable marketing strategy, and they needed it fast.

Act III: The Three-Month Miracle

Fast forward three months (we know you’re busy), and we’ve worked our digital wizardry. By April, the ad spend climbed to 28,000 kroner, but the revenue? A cool 205,000 kroner. Not bad, right? ROAS shot up to 7.35, which, in pizza terms, means you ordered one and somehow ended up with a stack of them.

We took their marketing from “please, just take this sofa for 60% off” to “here’s why you need this sofa, and full price isn’t so bad, is it?”

Act IV: November—The Empire Strikes Revenue

By November 2023, Logo Møbler’s monthly traffic had gone from a sad trickle of 2,000–3,000 visitors to a booming 50,000. We spent 60,000 kroner on ads, which brought in 320,000 kroner in revenue. A ROAS of 5.6—not as high as April, but still excellent, and most importantly, it was built on a real marketing strategy, not just temporary gimmicks.

With our trusty tracking and analytics software, we pinpointed the weak spots and doubled down on what worked. And boom—by November, Logo Møbler was no longer struggling to break even. They hit 1 million kroner in revenue, with Black Friday alone bringing in a delightful 128,000 kroner.

Act V: The Master Plan Revealed

So, how did we do it? No, we didn’t wave a magic wand or chant a digital marketing spell (though that would be cool). We used what we call the Born Global Proven Marketing Framework™. OK, it’s not trademarked, but it’s a rock-solid system that combines data-driven decisions, a clear strategy, and close collaboration with the client.

We knew we had to shift away from the discount-reliant marketing tactics and build something sustainable. That meant focusing on brand value, creating targeted campaigns that resonated with their ideal customers, and (spoiler alert) scaling their efforts with precision.

We optimized their existing channels, introduced new tactics, and got their marketing working like a finely tuned Danish watch. Or maybe a piece of stylish Danish furniture. Either way, it worked.

Act VI: The Happy Ending (Or New Beginning)

By the end of 2023, we had helped Logo Møbler generate over 1 million kroner in revenue. It wasn’t just about the numbers—it was about turning a struggling business into one that could stand on its own without slashing prices every other week. Logo Møbler is now positioned for sustainable, long-term growth, and they no longer need to rely on Black Friday heroics to stay afloat.

Is Your Webshop Ready for a Born Global Transformation?

So, there you have it. If your webshop is stuck in discount limbo or you’ve hit a plateau, maybe it’s time to give us a call. Daniel and Christian (that’s us) are always ready to bring some data-driven magic to your business. No massive discounts required.

"As digital marketing nerds, we don’t believe in magic—just data, strategy, and a little elbow grease to turn struggling businesses into thriving ones."

Daniel Falck

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Frederiksberg 2000
Copenhagen, Denmark

+45 29 60 16 17
+1 646-718-3903

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Frederiksberg 2000
Copenhagen, Denmark

+45 29 60 16 17
+1 646-718-3903